Emergency Management
Emergency Management
Lower level Montville Town Hall
310 Norwich-New London Turnpike
Uncasville, CT 06382
Office Hours
8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday-Friday
Tel: (860) 848.6781
Fax: (860) 848.4063
Montville Emergency Management ensures the public’s well being and safety during emergencies and disasters. The Department is responsible maintaining the Town's emergency operations plans and hazardous materials plan in accordance with state mandates. The Fire Marshall serves as Chairman of the Local Emergency Planning Committee.
This office operates during emergency situations within the Town of Montville when activated by the Mayor. Emergency management constantly prepares for natural and man made disasters such as hazardous materials events, earthquakes, hurricanes, severe summer storms, blizzards, ice storms and nuclear power plant accidents. This Office works with the State of Connecticut Office of Emergency Management and Dominion Power to keep the Town’s emergency plans current.
Each year the Town participates in a simulated radiological emergency drill due to our proximity to the nuclear power plant in the neighboring town of Waterford. Click here for more information on provisions in place in the event of such an emergency.
Montville is participating in the Connecticut Alert Emergency Notification System. The system is provided by the State of Connecticut Department of Public Safety and will provide the ability to rapidly notify citizens of life-threatening emergency situations. Notifications will be sent via telephone utilizing the E-911 Data base. The state is now providing the opportunity for you to sign up to have the notification go to your cell or other electronic device. You may view or download the Information below by clicking on the links.
Safety Planning Information for Neighbors of Millstone Power Station
Información de planificación de seguridad para los vecinos de la Planta de Energía Millstone
The State of Connecticut Office of Emergency Management is conducting a brief survey. To participate in the survey click the link below.
Millstone Emergency Evacuation Survey