Starting a Business in Montville
Montville Economic Development Commission
MontvilleTown Hall
310 Norwich-New London Tpke.
Uncasville, CT 06382
If you are starting a new business in the Town of Montville, including a home based business, follow these steps to ensure compliance with all State and Town Regulations.
Planning & Zoning 860.848.6779
Your first step is to visit the Planning Department office at Town Hall. All businesses within the Town are required to obtain a zoning permit. This is to ensure that the business conforms to the Zoning Regulations.
- Certain businesses may only need to notify the Planning Department of their intentions and may receive approvals or sign off on Trade Name Certificate from the Planning office.
- Other businesses may be required to obtain Planning & Zoning Commission approval. You will be provided with the appropriate checklist and fee schedule.
Fire Marshal 860.848.6781
The Fire Marshal’s office is located on the lower level in Town Hall. This office will advise you of the fire protection requirements, even for a business in a residential home. If necessary, they will review your plans and give required approvals.
Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) 860.848.6776
You can determine whether your business is connected to the town sewer system by contacting the WPCA office in Town Hall. If your business is connected to the town sewer, or will be required to connect, the WPCA will advise you of the appropriate regulations that will affect your business.
Health Department 860.823.1189
UHD, available M-F from 8 AM to 4:30 PM at 401 West Thames St, Building 100, Norwich Ct 06360, and at Montville Town Hall's Building Department M, W & F from 2 PM to 4 PM. 860.848.6782, is the local health department for the Town of Montville. UHD is responsible for licensing and/or regulating of activities such as Bed & Breakfast, Day Care, Food Service, Tattoo facilities, sewage disposal, and installation & maintenance of wells as required by the Connecticut General Statutes, the Connecticut Public Health Code and local (District) regulations. Additional facts and forms are available at the UHD website.
Building Inspector 860.848.6782
If you intend to construct a new structure, add to existing structures or make any modifications to structures, including residential homes, visit the Building Inspectors office at Town Hall, Lower Level, Room B-4. They will provide you with a complete check list of regulations, a schedule of applicable fees, permits required and the procedure for inspections.
Town Clerk 860.848.6784
After completing the above steps, you are now ready to obtain your “Trade Name Certificate” as required by State law. This form is available at the Town Clerk's office in Town Hall Room 5. The fee to record this certificate is $10.00.
Tax Assessor 860.848.6774
On October 1st of each year, personal property declarations are sent to each business in Montville by the Assessor's office. Each business, including a home based business, must declare all furniture, fixtures and equipment used to operate their business. The Assessor's office located in Town Hall, Room 4, can assist you in completing the declaration form.
Economic Development Commission (EDC) 860.848.6779
Please contact the commission for information on available land and buildings, small business assistance, and SCORE business counseling.
Courtesy of the Montville Economic Development Commission revised 12-15