Town Boards & Commissions
As you see to your left, there are a variety of non-regulatory and regulatory boards and commissions, established by either the Charter or by Ordinance. They provide goals, guidelines, policy and procedure for certain departments.
For example, land use concerns are governed by two regulatory commissions and one board; and tax assessment disputes may be brought before the Board of Assessment Appeals for review, which consists of three elected officials.
Non-elected members of boards and commissions are appointed by the Town Council. If you are interested in volunteering on a board or commission, please contact the Town Clerk for complete information concerning vacancies, eligibility, and the interview and appointment process.
Current vacancies on Boards and Commissions can be view by clicking on the link below.
- Vacancies on Boards & Commissions
- Critical Tools For Boards and Commissions
- Download a Request for Appointment to a Town Agency.
Click on a board, commission or committee to the left to see a list of its members. In addition, there are Task Specific Committees and Representatives to Regional Agencies which are listed separately.