Form Repository
- Planning & Zoning Meeting Material
- 25 SITE 1 - 2 & 8 Enterprise Ln - Site Plan Modification
- 24 SITE 13 - 1365 Old Colchester Rd - Garage with ADU
- 24 SITE 12 - 25 Church Ln - Change of Use
- 24 SITE 11 - 133 Chapel Hill Rd - Pool House
- 24 SITE 10 - 2268-2284 Route 32 - Horizon View
- 24 SITE 9 - 1758 & 1790 Route 32 - Shantok Village
- 24 SUB 4 - 958 Route 163 - 1-Lot Resubdivision
- 24 ZC 5 - Cricket's Corner Text Amendment
- C.G.S. 8-24 Review 176 Meetinghouse Ln
- 24 SUB 3 - 958 Route 163 - 1-Lot Resubdivision WITHDRAWN
- 24 SITE 8 - 176 Meetinghouse Ln - Camp Oakdale PW Storage Garage
- 24 SITE 7 - 480 Route 32 - Proposed Veterinarian Office
- 24 ZC 4 - Text Amendment - Re: ZR Section
- 24 SITE 6 - 1080 Route 32 - Proposed Office Use
- 24 SITE 5 - 303 Norwich NL Tpke - Site Plan Modification
- 24 SITE 4 - 339 Oxoboxo Dam Rd - 1,440 Sq. Ft. Garage and Outdoor Kitchen
- 24 ZC 3 - Cricket's Corner Zone Change
- 24 SITE 3 - 1492 Hartford NL Tpke - Site Improvements
- 24 ZC 2 - Text Amendment - Re: Prohibition of Retail Cannabis Establishments - WITHDRAWN
- 24 ZC 1 - Text and Map Amendment - Re: Retail Cannabis Establishments
- 24 SUB 2 - Black Ash Estates - 13 Lot Resubdivision
- 24 SUB 1 - 581 Route 163 - 2 Lot Subdivision
- 24 SITE 2 - 26 Platoz Drive - Multi-Family Development-WITHDRAWN
- 24 SITE 1 - 245 Route 32 - 22 Unit Condominiums Modification - WITHDRAWN
- 23 ZC 4 Text Amendment - Re: Family and Group Child Care Home and Child Care Center
- 23 SUB 3 - 145 Moxley Road (2 -Lot Subdivision)
- 23 SITE 10 - 225 Maple Avenue (Animal Control Facility)
- 23 ZC 3 Text Amendment - Amend Section 21A.2.3 (Cannabis Moratorium-Effective Date)
- 23 SITE 9 - 125 Depot Road (Parcel ID:071-007-000) - WITHDRAWN
- 23 SUB 2 - Old Colchester Rd (037-006-000) - 6-Lot Sub-Division
- 23 SUB 1 - 958 Route 163 (1 lot Re-Subdivision) WITHDRAWN
- 23 SITE 8 - 669 Route 163 (Solar Array)
- 23 SITE 7 - 69 Fitch Hill Road (Industrial Site Development)
- 23 SP 1 - 486 Fitch Hill Rd (Expand existing stables)
- 23 SITE 5 -2040 Route 32 (103-001-01A) - Gasoline/Convenience Store Facility
- 23 ZC 1 Text Amendment - Add Sec 21A (Moratorium)
- 23 SITE 3 2 Enterprise Drive (002-005-00B) Site Development
- 23 SITE 2 412 Maple Avenue (031-002-0A0) - Industrial Site Development
- 23 SITE 1 - 689 Old Colchester Rd - Office Bldg & Parking
- 22 SITE 10 - 303, 307, 309 Rte 32- Multi-Family Development
- 22SUB6 137 Gay Hill Rd 2 Lot Subdivion
- 55 Dock Rd - 22 Site 9 Town Boat Launch & Fishing Pier
- 22SP2 & 22SUB5 Monahan Drive 29 Lot Cluster Resubdivision - WITHDRAWN
- 50 Cook Drive - Site Plan Application - Water Tower
- 1108 Old Colchester Rd (036-005-002) 3 Lot Subdivision
- 128 Ridge Hill Road - 60' x 40' Barn as Accessory Structure to SFR
- East Lake Rd (007-035-000) - 8 Lot Subdivision
- Montville Affordable Housing Plan
- 245 Route 32 - Site Plan - 22 Unit Condominium Development
- 82 Jerome Rd - Multi-Family Dwelling Units
- Opt-Out Accessory Dwelling Units