Chapter A410
ARTICLE I: Building Department
Building construction -- See Ch. 188. Fees -- See Ch. 214.
[The fee schedules included in this chapter are enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Montville and are amended from time to time as necessary.]
§A410-1. Authority.
In accordance with Chapter 188, Building Construction, of the Code of the Town of Montville, the fee schedule for the Building Department is as follows.
§A410-2. Fees.
A fee for each plan review, building permit and inspection shall be paid in accordance with the following schedule:
- The fee for one and two family, new construction and additions permits shall be $12.00 for each $1,000 of construction value or each fraction thereof.
- The fee for one and two family alterations, accessory structures and trades permits shall be $12.00 for each $1,000 of construction value or each fraction thereof; providing, however, that there be a minimum fee of $30.00.
- A fee for all multi-family and commercial permits shall be $15 for each $1,000 of construction value or each fraction thereof; providing, however, that there be a minimum fee of $50.00.
- A certificate of occupancy fee of $30 for new one and two-family structures and additions and $30 for all other residential structures and $100 for commercial buildings and additions and multifamily, shall be applied for and paid when the building permit is issued, and $0.75 for each copy thereof.
- On all plans requiring plan review, there shall be an additional plan review fee charge at the rate of 10% of the permit fee.
- The permit fees for moved or relocated structures shall be based on the construction value and calculated the same as new construction.
- Mechanical, plumbing and electrical permit fees will be calculated at the same rate as building permits except that there will not be a certificate of occupancy fee charged.
- After one re-inspection, additional fees will be charged as follows; Residential re-inspections $20; Residential certificate of occupancy re-inspection $25; Residential accessory structure certificate of occupancy re-inspection $20; Commercial re-inspections $50; Commercial certificate of occupancy re-inspection $50.
§A410-3. Demolition.
The fee for demolition of a one and two family structure shall be $15 per $1,000 of assessed value. The fee for demolition of a multi-family or commericial structure shall be $20 per $1,000 of assessed value.
§A410-4. Refunds.
- In the case of a revocation of a permit or abandonment or discontinuance of a building project, the portion of the work actually completed shall be computed and any excess fee for the uncompleted work shall be returned to the permit holder upon written request. All plan examination and permit processing fees and all penalties that have been imposed on the permit holder under the requirements of this code shall first be collected.
- Schedule of refunds is as follows:
Status of Application | Fees to be Refunded |
No action taken on application | Total fees, less administrative fee of $30 |
Plan review completed-Permit Not Issued | Total fees, less administrative fee of $30 and the plan review fee. |
Plan review completed;Permit Issued | 75% of total fees |
Plan review completed; Permit issued | Inspection(s) done. No refund |