Building Department
How far away do you have to be from your septic leaching trenches to install an above ground pool?
Whether an above-ground or an in-ground, all pool installations must go through the permitting process. Contact the Planning & Zoning office for review of compliance with setback and proximity requirements, i.e., Zoning and Wetlands regulations; and the Health Dept. for compliance with the location relative to septic systems; Complete a permit application online and, the Building Dept. will review the plans for compliance with construction, electrical, and human safety (fencing,etc.) codes and conduct inspections to oversee compliance.
I need to have an upgrade or some other change done to my electric service. What do I need to do?
In order to change your electrical service you will need to do the following:
- Obtain a permit from Eversource (electricity supplier) for your licensed electrician to cut and reconnect your electric service, or make arrangements with Eversource for them to perform the cut and reconnect.
- Complete an Electrical Service permit application forms online and submit with the permit fee. Be sure to have your CRS # from Eversource. It is required on the permit application form.
- After you receive your permit, have your electrician perform the work. When the work is completed, schedule an inspection by the Building Department. If you have any questions you may contact the Building Department at 860-848-6782
What permits do I need to install a pool or spa on private property?
A building permit is required, as well as an electrical permit. You will also need Health Department, Zoning and Wetlands Approvals.
What paperwork do I need to pull a permit for a generator?
You will need to complete an Electrical-Generator permit application online and furnish the manufacturers data for installation of the generator
Is a permit required for a pool with an inflatable top ring that rises as water is added?
Yes, any pool that is capable of containing water 24” or more in depth would require a permit.
Is a permit required for an 8x10 shed?
No, a building permit is only required for sheds larger than 200 square feet. However, you must contact the Planning and Zoning and the Health Departments before installing ANY size shed, as the shed location must be in compliance with Zoning, Wetlands and Health Department regulations.
How long is my permit good for?
In accordance with section R105.5 every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by such permit is commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the time the work is commenced. The building official is authorized to grant, in writing, one or more extensions of time, for periods of not more than 180 days each. The extensions shall be requested in writing and justifiable cause shall be demonstrated.
Exception: The building official shall be permitted to specify an expiration date of not less than 30 days, nor more than 180 days for commencement of work under permits issued to abate unsafe conditions pursuant to Section R115 of this code. Work performed under such permits shall be completed as expeditiously as possible.
What is required from me to get a Certificate of Occupancy?
An inspection by the Building Department must be performed and approved along with the other departments that gave you approval for the work, such as Planning and Zoning, Uncas Health District, Public Works, WPCA, etc. It shall be the owner's responsibility to contact the various departments to schedule inspections.
How long will it take for me to get a Building Permit?
Permits for work such as siding, roofing, windows and electrical services are generally issued within one or two days. Applications that require plan reviews may take about 2-4 weeks after submission to our office. State Statute allows us 30 days to either approve or reject applications.
Can I perform all the work on my own house?
Yes, according to Connecticut General Statute section 20-340(11) Exemptions From Licensing Requirements, persons engaged in the installation, maintenance, repair and service of glass or electrical, plumbing, fire protection sprinkler systems, solar, heating, piping, cooling and sheet metal equipment in and about single-family residences owned and occupied or to be occupied by such persons; provided any such installation, maintenance and repair shall be subject to inspection and approval by the building official of the municipality in which such residence is located and shall conform to the requirements of the State Building Code.