Curbside Recycling Pickup
Public Works
John Carlson, Public Works Director
225 Maple Avenue
Uncasville, CT 06382
Office Hours
7:30 am - 4:00 pm Monday-Friday
Tel: (860) 848.7473
Fax: (860) 848.7393
Recycle ... it's the law!
Each residence is provided with a recycling container. Replacements for lost, stolen, broken or missing containers will be issued by the Public Works Department at the above address.
Effective October 1, 2009
Single Stream Recycling
(Curbside pick up only)
Montville residents can now place all Recyclables in their recycle bin. No more separating paper from your recyclables. Please rinse all containers
Acceptable Items
- Cardboard
- Tin Cans
- Newspaper/Inserts
- Aluminum Cans
- Magazines/Brochures
- Aluminum Foil
- White Paper
- Plastic Milk Jugs
- Color Paper
- Juice & Milk Cartons
- Junk Mail
- Water Bottles
- Phone books/Catalogs
- Plastic Soda Bottles
- Hard & Soft Cover Books
- Detergent Bottles
- Paperboard Boxes
- #1 - #7 Plastics
- Cereal Boxes
- Small Metals
- Egg Cartons
- Empty Aerosol Cans
- Envelopes (window ok)
- Plastic Buckets
- File Folders
- Plastic Crates
- School Papers
- Pots & Pans
- Multi 3-Ply Paper
- Glass
Not Acceptable
- Food Waste in Containers
- Needles or Syringes
- Hazardous or Biohazard Waste
- Trash or Plastic Bagged Items
- Plastic Bags
- All Other Non-recyclable Material
Leaf Collection: On the first Saturday in December, leaves will be picked up curbside. The leaves must be in brown paper bags and free of debris, twigs, etc. Please have curbside by 6 a.m.
Christmas/Holiday Tree: On the second Saturday of January, trees will be picked up curbside. Trees must be free of ornaments, tinsel, lights, etc., and must NOT be in a bag of any kind. Please have curbside by 6 a.m.
Holiday Recycle Pickup Schedule
New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas
When your recycle pick up day falls on one of the above holidays, it will be picked up the following day.
- If your recycle pick up is on Monday it will be picked up on Tuesday.
- If your recycle pick up is on Friday it will be picked up on Saturday.
If the holiday falls on a weekend, pick up will be on the normal day.
If you have any questions, please call the recycling department at 848-9411.
Click here for the Recycling Pick Up Schedule by Street Name