Property Tax Exemptions for Veterans
Honorably discharged Veterans who served 90 days or more during a time of conflict are entitled to a $1,500 Veteran's Exemption to be applied to their Real Estate or Motor Vehicle Assessments. Proof of Military Service (DD214 Discharge Papers) must be on file with the Montville Town Clerk by September 30th.
Disabled Veterans may receive an assessment exemption of $3,000 to $5,250 based on their Disability Rating, as determined by the Veteran's Administration. Disabled Veterans may qualify for an exemption whether or not they served during a time of conflict. DD214 Discharge Papers must be on file with the Town Clerk's Office by September 30th. Disabled Veteran's must also submit their Disability Rating Form from the Department of Veteran's Affairs with the Assessor's Office.
Additional Veteran's Exemptions for Low Income Veterans
Low Income Veterans may receive additional Exemption benefits as allowed by the State of Connecticut. A Veteran must file an application with the Assessor between February 1st and October 1st. Proof of income received must be submitted with the application. A single Veteran making $45,200 or less and a married Veteran making $55,100 or less in the year 2024 can qualify for the additional Exemption. Following approval of the initial application by the Assessor, the Veteran must refile every two years.
The Town of Montville also offers a Local Option additional Exemption for Low Income Veterans. Recently, the Town of Montville increased income limits for this program. A single Veteran making $56,500 or less and a married Veteran making $68,875 or less in the year 2024 can qualify for the local option additional Exemption. An application must be filed along with proof of income between February 1st and October 1st. Qualified Veterans must refile every two years.